Catalytic Leadership

How to Boost Year-End Results: Strategies for Success with Dr. William Attaway

September 03, 2024 Dr. William Attaway Season 3 Episode 5

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The final months of this year are slipping away, and I’m here to tell you—now is the time to seize the moment. It’s tempting to coast into the end of the year, but that’s not where real success is made. These next few months are your opportunity to set the stage for an incredible 2025.

I’ll guide you through breaking free from limiting beliefs and turning challenges into opportunities. You’ll discover how to harness the power of your mindset to transform chaos into calm control. It’s not about cramming more into your day; it’s about focusing on what truly matters and leading your team to new heights.

Let’s face it: this year can either fizzle out or end with a bang that propels you into a standout 2025. The choice is yours.

Tune in to find out how to make these last months count and set yourself up for success.

Ready to Finish 2024 Strong?
Don’t wait until December to address your challenges. There's a few months left in 2024, now is the time to plan for a strong finish! Book a free strategy call with Dr. William Attaway to create a plan for impactful results. 

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Join Dr. William Attaway on the Catalytic Leadership podcast as he shares transformative insights to help high-performance entrepreneurs and agency owners achieve Clear-Minded Focus, Calm Control, and Confidence.

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Dr. William Attaway:

Hey, there it's William, and welcome to a new month of the Catalytic Leadership Podcast. We're going to try something new in Season 3. Each month, one episode is going to be focused on a topic that I'll be speaking on. This month I want to talk about focus. 2024 is moving toward a close. We have four months left in this year. Can you believe it? Let me ask you, are you being intentional about leveraging them to make this your best year ever? Think about it like this A third of the year is still in front of us. Would you write off a third of the year? No way, right? Not if you're a catalytic leader.

Dr. William Attaway:

It's time now to make the most of these final months. I want to make this period the best third of the year for my business. I bet you do too. I want this to be a launching pad for an outstanding 2025. Are you with me? Today, I'm going to share a webinar. I did on this for our monthly LinkedIn live event on the Catalytic Leadership LinkedIn page. Now, if you're not connected yet with us on LinkedIn, please make that connection. I do a lot over there and I'd love to share that with you. So here's the webinar that I did on August the 27th. I hope this is helpful for you.

Intro / Outro:

Welcome to Catalytic Leadership, the podcast designed to help leaders intentionally grow and thrive. Here is your host author and leadership and executive coach, dr William Attaway.

Dr. William Attaway:

I'm so glad that you are choosing to invest in yourself, your business and in your leadership. My goal is to add value to you and for you to be glad that you invested some time with me today. As 2024 draws to a close, it's time to make the most of these final months. It's not time to write them off. Let me ask you are you ready to transform this period into a launching pad for an outstanding 2025? This month's webinar is Four Months to Transformation Strategic Planning for an Exceptional Year End. Today, I want to dive deep into some strategies that I believe can help you.

Dr. William Attaway:

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Dr William Attaway and I'm an executive coach who specializes in mindset, leadership and productivity. I help high-performing entrepreneurs, business owners, agency owners and leaders to conquer their challenging situations, to maximize their potential with clear-minded focus, with calm control and with increased confidence. Mindset is 90% of why people are successful or are not successful. So if you're struggling with an unhealthy mindset, if you're overwhelmed by the chaos that is all around you, if you're struggling with focus and you're fighting self-doubt, self-sabotage and imposter syndrome, I can help. I've been a student of leadership, a leader of teams and a coach of high-performing leaders for nearly 30 years. If you want to intentionally grow your leadership and your mindset, intentionally grow your leadership and your mindset, you can book a call with me at catalyticleadershipnet. So let's get started. One of the first actions that I take with new clients is to begin to develop a strategic growth blueprint. This is a clear, actionable plan to help seize potential opportunities. Now we have just over a third of 2024 left in front of us.

Dr. William Attaway:

When you started this year, you had some goals. You had some dreams for your business, for your team and for yourself. At least, I hope you did. That's something we need to talk about if you didn't. So take a look at those goals. Let me ask you how's that going? The danger that I see is that, at this point in the year, some people just want to write off the rest of it and punt and start putting their hope in 2025. Well, next year will be better, but hope is not a strategy. No way am I going to write off over a third of the year. I don't want you to either. No way. There is a boatload of potential still in front of us, but you have to have a plan for action.

Dr. William Attaway:

So let me ask you what are your biggest wins so far this year? How can you leverage those for additional wins before year's end? What do you need to do more of and what do you need to add to your stop doing list? You do have one of those right. What have been your biggest challenges this year? Where have you swung and missed so far? What adjustments or pivots do you need to make before you step out and swing again? What is your plan and what is what I help clients to do? And this is what you can do Answer those questions and develop an action plan to get it done. If you need help, reach out. You can always book a strategy, call with me and let's talk and see if it's a good fit for us to work together.

Dr. William Attaway:

I mentioned your goals for 2024. What does your progress look like on those goals? What does the data say, not the anecdote. What does the data say? Setting goals is a skill and measuring progress is a non-negotiable if you want to achieve your goals. Now, too often, I see that this is the neglected piece of the puzzle. Do you have somebody who's going to ask you questions like these? Who's going to ask you the questions that maybe nobody else in your world is asking, and who's going to hold you accountable to the actions you commit to? That's what I do and that's why I see my clients accomplish more and see better results than so many of their peers. You have to have a plan. What is yours? How are you measuring progress towards your goals? Make it visual, make it clear, make it measurable and memorable, and make sure that the goals you set are impactful. Otherwise, why bother on the replay and I know many of you do Please type replay in the comments so I know you were here. I love to connect with all of you who attend these LinkedIn live events.

Dr. William Attaway:

Now let's shift for a minute and talk productivity. Most people think of getting more done in less time when I say productivity like fitting 75 pounds into a 50 pound sack. That is not what I mean by that. Getting things done is important, do not get me wrong but that is not the goal. The goal is not to be busy and stay busy. The goal is not getting things done. It's getting the right things done, and that's where evaluation comes in. So let me ask you how are you currently evaluating your processes and your systems? How you currently evaluating your processes and your systems. How are you evaluating your calendar and your list to make sure that you are aligning your day-to-day activity with your short, medium and long-term goals? Who's looking at your systems and helping you see where you can grow, what you need to add or subtract, where you need to change so you can scale and where you can boost your efficiency? It's really hard to see the whole picture when you're in the frame. That's why I have coaches in my life who have an outside perspective and they can help me see what I cannot see. And that's what I offer for my clients A coach who is for you, in your corner and helping you to win.

Dr. William Attaway:

The goal is not to be busy. It's to be busy doing the right things. It's to be delegating anything you can. It's to be regularly and consistently asking and answering the question is this the absolute best use of my time right now? If somebody else can do a thing, our job as leaders is to delegate that thing, to delegate, train and empower them to do it so that we can do what only we can do. That is proper productivity. So how are you doing with this? I want to challenge you to evaluate where you are with this habit, ask these questions and be honest with yourself or, even better, get someone else to help you answer them. It is so easy to get trapped in our own blind spots. Self-deception is easy for all of us to do. That's where a coach is invaluable for me and will be for you too.

Dr. William Attaway:

Next, after productivity, I want to talk leadership for a minute. Your team and your clients are going to follow most often where and how you lead. If you lead in an unhealthy way, with unhealthy habits, at an unsustainable pace, then that's what they're going to follow in more than likely. If you are constantly in firefighting mode, just moving from fire to fire to fire, reacting to whatever the problem of the day is, then guess what? That's what they're going to do too. But there's a better way. I want to challenge you, to inspire your team right now, to challenge them that this can be the best year ever for your team and for your company, if you choose for it to be so. You're in the driver's seat. This year is far from over and there is a ton of potential ahead.

Dr. William Attaway:

Excuses are like noses Everybody has one and you might hear things like in this economy, are you serious? If you're in the US, you might hear, in an election year, people are way too distracted for this to be our best year ever. My friends, do not let excuses drive your strategy or your actions. Remember, you choose your mindset and your mindset is what produces your thoughts, your feelings, your words and your actions. You are a leader. You have influence. It is time to step up into that role and lead, inspire your team that this year is not over. It is time to achieve and exceed the goals that we set eight months ago. It's time to accomplish more than we might even think is possible, because it is possible, but it takes the team to accomplish it, and the team needs you to lead.

Dr. William Attaway:

Your job as the leader is not to be the highest performing person on the team. Your job is not to get things done. Remember, it's to get things done through other people. That's the power of leadership and you can do that. I believe in you. Your capacity is limited only by what you choose.

Dr. William Attaway:

I help my clients to root out and overcome the limiting beliefs that get in the way of inspiring and effective leadership. It's so easy to get trapped by those beliefs. Isn't it easy to get trapped by those beliefs, isn't it? Let me ask you what beliefs do you struggle with that get in the way of you being the best version of you, leading your team and your business in that high performance level? What are you doing about them? Who's helping you with this? My friends, nothing changes until you change it, and it is time to change it. We've got just over a third of the year left and we can get the ball to the end zone if we will do the work.

Dr. William Attaway:

There are and there will be obstacles always, and that is why a growth mindset is not optional for high performers. That is why resilience is one of the greatest skills you can ever develop and grow in your life and in your leadership. That's what reframes challenges, pressures and problems into opportunities. Where you lead and how you lead, your team will follow, your clients will notice and the bottom line always reflects that this is the time to lead by example. People can't be what they can't see and by demonstrating calm, control and proactive decision-making in your own leadership style, you set the tone for your team and for your clients, and you inspire them to do the same. As leaders, we can choose to provide our teams with the tools and the resources they need to succeed, whether it is through training and development opportunities, whether it's through identifying and implementing streamlined processes and workflows, or whether it's making sure we have a supportive work environment, a place of encouragement, a place of growth.

Dr. William Attaway:

It is the end of August. Do not miss this chance, this opportunity to close out 2024 with exceptional growth. It's still possible and when you do, you set yourself up for the best version of 2025. You can do this and I would be honored to help you. I'd love to hear what your biggest takeaway is from what I've shared today. Type it over in the chat. I want to see you take action on this Now. If you want some help implementing what we've talked about, these strategies that we've discussed, if you want help developing an intentional plan for your life and for your leadership so that you will have margin, reach out. Go to catalyticleadershipnet. Book a strategy call with me and let's talk. I want to see you move from where you are, where you're stuck, to where you want to be.

Dr. William Attaway:

I so appreciate your gift of your time today. I do hope this has been helpful and informative for you, but please remember, information without application is not effective. You have to take action. I challenge every client that I coach to take action. If you want different results, you have to do something different, and knowing what to do, how to do it and when to do it matters. My friends, keep learning, keep growing, be relentlessly intentional about clear-minded focus. If you don't have a coach currently, find one. Choose a coach who is for you, who will Whatever. You are not changing, you are choosing. Thanks so much again for your time today and I'll hope to connect with you soon. Have a great week.

Dr. William Attaway:

Thanks for joining me for this episode today. As we wrap up, I'd love for you to do two things. First, subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss an episode, and if you find value here, I'd love it if you would rate it and review it. That really does make a difference in helping other people to discover this podcast. Second, if you don't have a copy of my newest book, catalytic Leadership, I'd love to put a copy in your hands. If you go to catalyticleadershipbookcom, you can get a copy for free. Just pay the shipping so I can get it to you and we'll get one right out.

Dr. William Attaway:

My goal is to put this into the hands of as many leaders as possible. This book captures principles that I've learned in 20 plus years of coaching leaders in the entrepreneurial space, in business, government, of coaching leaders in the entrepreneurial space in business, government, nonprofits, education and the local church. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn to keep up with what I'm currently learning and thinking about, and if you're ready to take a next step with a coach to help you intentionally grow and thrive as a leader, I'd be honored to help you. Just go to catalyticleadershipnet to book a call with me. Stay tuned for our next episode next week. Until then, as always, leaders choose to be catalytic.

Intro / Outro:

Thanks for listening to Catalytic Leadership with Dr William Attaway. Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so you don't miss the next episode. Want more? Go to catalyticleadershipnet.

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