Catalytic Leadership

The Road to Six-Figure Success: Chris Anderson's Journey in Video, Podcasting, and AI

Dr. William Attaway Season 2 Episode 50

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Ever wondered how a pivot from sports to the entrepreneurial fast lane could lead to a six-figure triumph during a pandemic? Join me as I sit down with Chris Anderson, the dynamo behind Elevate Media Group, who shares his riveting transformation story. Chris dives into how he embraced video and podcasting to amplify the impact of businesses worldwide, and how his initial tech hesitancy became a powerful tool in his clients' arsenals. We peel back the layers of building trust through digital content, especially as the world of AI and virtual interactivity reshapes our daily lives.

Strap in as we navigate the potent world of live streaming, where raw human connection meets the strategic business growth. I reveal my foray into LinkedIn live events and the astonishing surge in audience engagement that followed. Chris and I brainstorm the eventual fusion of AI into everyday activities, from shopping to schooling, and share starter tips for live streaming that can catapult your brand from humble beginnings to online stardom. It's all about the authenticity that sets your signal ablaze in the crowded digital noise.

We're not just talking tech and trends; at the heart of our discussion lies the golden thread of consistency. By adhering to a regular podcasting schedule, we underscore how pivotal this discipline is for audience retention and content expansion. We explore monetizing podcasts without sacrificing guest value and dive into the personal growth that comes from absorbing the insights of thought leaders. 

To connect with Chris Anderson, tune into The Elevate Media Podcast and follow him on Instagram @chris.t.anderson.

Ready to Finish 2024 Strong?
Don’t wait until December to address your challenges. There's a few months left in 2024, now is the time to plan for a strong finish! Book a free strategy call with Dr. William Attaway to create a plan for impactful results. 

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Join Dr. William Attaway on the Catalytic Leadership podcast as he shares transformative insights to help high-performance entrepreneurs and agency owners achieve Clear-Minded Focus, Calm Control, and Confidence.

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Dr. William Attaway:

I'm so excited today to have Chris Anderson on the podcast. Chris is the CEO and founder of Elevate Media Group, a video content agency. Chris has a background in marketing and entrepreneurship and has built Elevate Media Group into a successful six-figure company. Starting from zero during a pandemic, chris and his team focus on helping businesses grow through video, podcasting and content. Chris is also the host of the Elevate Media podcast, where, for over 340 episodes now, he interviews successful entrepreneurs and industry experts to share their insights and experiences with listeners. Through his podcast, chris aims to help his audience learn from the successes and the failures of others and apply those lessons to their businesses. The show has reached the ranks of the top 1.5% globally listened to podcasts and is charted in the top 25 for entrepreneurship and the top 50 for marketing. Chris, I'm so glad you're here. Thanks for being on the show.

Chris Anderson:

Thanks so much for having me. I appreciate it. Look forward to this conversation.

Intro / Outro:

Welcome to Catalytic Leadership, the podcast designed to help leaders intentionally grow and thrive. Here is your host author and leadership and executive coach, dr William Attaway.

Dr. William Attaway:

Well, I want to start with your story Starting your company in a pandemic from zero. I would love to start with how you did that and kind of where you started. How did you step into this leadership place you're in today?

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, it's crazy. And you know, I had no background, no experience with business, entrepreneurship, marketing in general, when I started. I was I was an athletic trainer prior to quitting that job to go go all in on myself and build a life that I love, and I didn't know what I was going to do when I first quit my job Video. So I had the podcast since 2019. And then 2020 came around. I was like I think I can start a business. You know, I think I can do it, just knowing myself and knowing what's possible out there, but I have no idea what that is going to be. And you know, really just kind of faith is a big part of my journey and my story. And you know, just kind of leaned into that and leaned into where I was guided and directed. And, you know, things started happening. People started asking, hey, how'd you get your podcast going? How did you, you know, get it to to? At that time, I think we got to the top 10% globally listened to. How'd you get to that? How do you get charted, all these things. And so I was helping people do that. And then the technical side came in and, hey, how do you edit your podcast? How do you edit content from your podcast? And so that was the moment where I was like, well, I quit my job, I need some money. Okay, let's lean into it, people are asking for it.

Chris Anderson:

And so I built some stuff out there, some packages, and I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to do the technical side of things. But you know, at the time we had we're using our savings and on some things, and it was just, you know, I had to do what you had to do to survive, kind of thing. Yeah, cause I didn't, I didn't have the passion behind it. I didn't enjoy that. I wanted the business, excuse me, I wanted the business side. I wanted what it could build for, you know, me and my family, and how it could support others, but I didn't like the technical side of things. It wasn't until I shifted my perspective on what we are doing with the technical side that it really changed. You know the trajectory and speed of things.

Dr. William Attaway:

I love that. You know, it's so interesting to me to hear the stories of different entrepreneurs, because very, very rarely maybe one in a thousand have an anticipation of the direction they're going to end up going. Most often it's very much like what you just described.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, and it's a crazy thing, even like we, we started elevate. You know, like I said, I switched my perspective. It was I don't want to do this because I don't enjoy it to look at the impact we can have behind the scenes. We can help people a lot. Most of our clients are doing good or making a difference or trying to help people in some way. Yeah, if we can elevate what they're doing through video content, we're part of the solution. We're part of that positive change. And when I shifted my, it was almost shifted from a selfish mindset of I don't like this to look how we can help with them, help more people. It was crazy.

Chris Anderson:

But even with that, we started solely as video podcast editors. You know that's what we were starting with. I never foresaw or, you know, had the glimpse or idea of it turning into what it is now, which is like a full video production agency Video podcasting all the way to in-person interviews and training courses and commercials, brand story videos. Like you know, never thought that was the direction it would lead into, but it, you know it just kind of grew into that and we just kind of grew with it. And you know there's always setback, you know. So there are. You never see foresee certain things happening and you just kind of have to roll with the punches and just keep moving forward and not not let that scarcity mindset creep back in to hold you down, especially during the lean times and during the tough times.

Dr. William Attaway:

So why do you believe businesses should step into video podcasting? Why is this the way for a business to elevate, going into the days ahead?

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, and obviously there's a lot of way to market, but video, really, with where we are right now in technology, with AI, on social media, everything, there's a more important reason for it and that's to build trust, because everyone's online now, right, they can see static posts, they can see images, and now we have AI who can create images and soon going to be able to create videos for people as well through the new Sora thing they're going to be launching, through ChatGPT, which are an open source, which is crazy.

Chris Anderson:

We are going to need more video to have the transparency and trust to build, especially, regardless B2B and B2C people are going to see you and I for real people on screen and it's going to be able to build a trust versus you know, and there's a place for it, but versus people who are creating AI images or AI video. Even though it'll look really good, there'll still be some sort of disconnect there and they're not going to be able to recreate interviews like this, where you know it's candid, it's it's conversation, it's it's real, and so being able to have that within your brand to build loyalty, to build that trust, to have that transparency and realness now, which is crazy to think about that we're in this time. It's going to be so impactful for your business that people are going to want more human connection, and this is going to be the best way to do it online, because it is going to be oversaturated with all the AI fakes and things of that nature.

Dr. William Attaway:

Yeah, I go back to the old formula. Right, you do business with people that you know like and trust. Right right, right. And how do you know, like and trust an ai avatar, right?

Chris Anderson:

yeah, and I think we're going to get to the point where live streaming uh, online is going to be huge for brands as well. Um, because, again, it's going to build that connection and that relationship more. You're going to be able to interact and I know it'll probably get to the point where you'll have an AI video chat bot that can probably respond to questions. But I mean, until then, you know, I think live stream is going to be a big, big separator for people at a high level in the days and years ahead, just because that, because you can then again it's such a different, it's a different medium to go and ask your question and get it responded to by an actual person. So I think brands and businesses are going to utilize that to stand out as well.

Dr. William Attaway:

I can resonate with that, just from my own experience, chris. About a year almost a year ago now I started leveraging LinkedIn's live events. Almost a year ago now, I started leveraging LinkedIn's live events right, and so once a month I do a webinar there and people register for those, and it's a rare event that I don't have 150 or more people register for right, because they want to be able to interact. They want that interaction even though it's a live event and there's going to be a little bit of a delay in my responses. It's something that they lean into, they're interested in, whereas some of the other forms of marketing that I know I've tried and others have tried, it's not really that same thing. So I resonate with what you're saying about the live streaming. I think that's really a tool that I'm seeing fruit from, to be sure, in building conversations and building relationships.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, because we're going to crave that more and more, because we're going to lose it more and more as we grow, which is great. People aren't going to the store anymore. They're getting groceries delivered or pickup. They're buying everything online.

Chris Anderson:

I truly believe, possibly even in my lifetime, that schools will eventually be completely virtual and kids won't have to go to school and interact with kids. It'll be all on screen because you know it could be the. The system could be mandated more on. You know what is being taught across the whole country. I know that's a big kind of you know thought, but I mean, that's kind of what I see coming. You know my wife's in the school system and, unfortunately, you know people are like, well, what about kids? Like who's going to watch them? You know, with robotics and AI, the parents might be still, that's right. It might be a whole different by the time we get to that point, like, so the relationship, the things we're going to miss out on a lot of that. And so, yeah, being able to have any sort of connection with an actual human is going to set brands apart.

Dr. William Attaway:

So people I know there are people who are listening who are like, okay, this sounds great and okay, I can get the value of this, but I've never done it before. Yeah, you know, how did somebody get started with this type of a, a of an approach or a strategy?

Chris Anderson:

yeah, you know, honestly, you just have to. You know it sounds cliche, you just have to do it. Yeah, just have to take that step. And a lot of times that's the hardest one because, you know, for me, especially like I want to show up as well as best I can and provide value, and so even personally on my personal brand, like I, I get an internal kickback.

Chris Anderson:

Still to go out and just record with my phone, maybe something just happened and I have a moment where I thought and instead I want to make it, you know, cause I care about, you know, putting the time and effort into it for the people who are watching it, because I want to show them that I care about their time. But, you know, just doing it, just getting it out there, adding the value where you can get in that connection, and it can start with your phone, your smartphone. It's a powerful device and then you can just kind of grow from there, whether it be a camera or a gimbal or you know they have all sorts of different little pocket camera things that you can upgrade to. But just starting, you know, get a phone, make sure your lighting's, you can get maybe a clip on mic that you can use for audio to make sure it sounds the best you can, but it's a low investment to start and you just kind of have to get it and kind of figure it out, figure it out along the way. Or, of course, you can reach out to us and we do consulting with things like that but you're just going out there and testing the waters and figuring out how your brand fits within it.

Chris Anderson:

Like your brand is is going to be super professional. Is it going to be one that you know goes and leaves pizza reviews uh, and shows you trying to pizza? You know, uh, marshall, uh, dave, doing that is just a cool thing, like so, where what fits within your, your brand and your marketing strategy and your personality and uh, just you know and just start doing it because you're just going to keep improving. I mean you can go look at my podcast, because I did video from the start Some of my first ones, when it wasn't actually Elevate Media, when I first started. It was a completely different name and we rebranded. But those videos are terrible, the audio is terrible, everything's terrible, but it's still on there because I want people if they actually would ever go back and listen to one of the first ones. You'll see how bad I was, wow, and it's all a growth process. But you've got to be able to start to get to the better levels, and we can. Where we are now, we can continue to improve, and so you just got to get started.

Dr. William Attaway:

What great advice. I love that. I imagine there are people listening who are saying, okay, I get it, I get it, and okay, you just got to get started, but I don't want to be on video. Yep, I don't want to be in front of the camera. I don't think I should. I don't think I should do. Nobody wants to look at me. You ever hear that?

Chris Anderson:

Oh yeah, all the time. And you know that raises a more concerning issue that needs to be addressed is the fear there. What is the true fear that's limiting you from getting on video? Do you care what people think about you? Are you afraid of failing or messing up on camera? What is it? What is the underlying issue? Because not only is that holding you back from being on video, but it's holding you back in your business as well, because that's going to correlate over to other actions that you're not going to take because you know I'm scared. What little Jimmy's going to say about me over there in his business? Or oh, someone might not like what I say, so they're going to kick back, like, so it's going to that. That underlying block that we have, that we all have to go through and it never goes away. You just have. You just deal with it better. We've got to address that because if you're scared to be on camera, there's something else that's holding you back in business, even if you don't do video.

Dr. William Attaway:

That's really good. It's so fascinating to me how the limiting beliefs in our minds can prevent us from stepping into something that we are fully equipped and as a person of faith too, I would argue fully called to step into. But we create our own barriers in our minds, and the great thing about that is that if we created the barrier, we can lower it.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, you just got to heal. You know whatever's causing that, whatever put that there, whatever planted that seed to cause that. You know blockage. We've got to. You know. We've got to heal from that and figure out why. And a lot of the times it's other people's opinions, at the end of the day, which don't matter, that's right. The only ones that really matter at the end of the day is my families. You know my, my wife and my kids and how they see me, and so you know I'd rather have them see dad go out there and take a chance and maybe not not get the desired result, but he didn't give up and he kept moving forward and you know, integrated, integrated, innovated, and and tried again. He fell and he got back up. You know the the batman quote. You know why do we fall, bruce? Yeah, we can learn to pick ourselves back up, that's right. Um, and that's what I want to. You know, show them and that's really, at the end of the day, um, that's all that matters you have now been hosting.

Dr. William Attaway:

Elevate your brand. The podcast.

Intro / Outro:

Elevate Media Podcast. Yeah.

Dr. William Attaway:

Yeah, I mean for quite some time. Yep, how did you get to the top one and a half percent?

Chris Anderson:

I asked myself that too.

Chris Anderson:

I mean, I appreciate that and you know we're amongst a lot of great shows that are in those ranks as well, and it's you know, know, I, I truly it really goes back to just, I think, consistency, um, I think, because there's so many podcasts out there, yeah, but so many are quote-unquote dead, they're, they're not active, they're not posting, and so with the numbers kind of you know, quote-unquote inflated a little bit, I think it's if you can just stick with it because we're not, I mean, we're not the best show out there, we don't have the best download numbers, we don't have the most subscribers, you know, um, we're not the biggest name out there.

Chris Anderson:

But I think if you can just be consistent and show up for your audience and build a solid audience, um, and just help, I think you can get there. Uh, and you, obviously you got to share about it. You got to get out there and get connected with other shows or network groups or whatever it might be, and just, you know, put in the work. But consistency of releasing episodes and then of, you know, sharing about it really is what you got to do. You know.

Dr. William Attaway:

One of my mentors says consistency is the mother of momentum. You know?

Chris Anderson:

one of my mentors says consistency is the mother of momentum.

Dr. William Attaway:

Yeah, and I keep that in mind so often. That's so true.

Chris Anderson:

Isn't that great? Yeah, I do, because you know, you think about it and people see all these really super, super successful individuals and they're like, oh, they just got lucky. And it's like, yeah, you know, they got luckily lucky over. You know decades of consistent, that's right. You know hard work and riding that roller coaster, so yeah, and that's where that momentum comes and you stay consistent with it. And you know, yeah, I love that quote.

Dr. William Attaway:

Yeah, it's so good. We'll give credit. It's Jonathan Milligan who actually has been a guest on this show. I was honored to have him on this and I've learned from Jonathan for many, many years now and it's just been a fantastic mentor in my life. But, yeah, I never forget that, but it always is near the front of my consciousness because I'm thinking, ok, what am I going to be glad five years from now, 10 years from now, that I have been consistent with today, what is it this week I need to be pouring into? To maintain that level of consistency that will build momentum over time. And that's what I'm seeing in your podcast. Like that's a lot of episodes. I'm coming up on a hundred episodes and wow, 340 plus.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah and we.

Chris Anderson:

So we started with just doing a releasing one a week and that was our interview episode and I, last year um, started doing three a week, so monday's uh interview and then wednesday and friday I do a solo episode.

Chris Anderson:

Okay, um, to kind of break down different things, whether that be within video, podcasting or business in general, uh, and then we're actually we're not going to add any more episodes per week, but I'm thankful that I'm starting to be able to utilize some of my team strengths as well and I want to kind of get in front of the, get them in front of the camera as well, to kind of build a little confidence. So they're going to share from their expertise, a little bit like on the technical side of things. So I'm excited to be able to and then have, you know, episodes where we do things together, talking about production or business, and to give them kind of a chance to grow on camera and talk as well. So I'm excited to put those out so just to show someone else's journey, kind of get in on camera and talking and through Elevate. Now you'll be see there's in time.

Dr. William Attaway:

So I can't wait to see that.

Chris Anderson:

That's going to be awesome.

Dr. William Attaway:

Yeah, you know, the podcast is a is an integral part of your business. How do you use a podcast to build your business?

Chris Anderson:

I imagine that's been a journey, as well.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, and it's excuse me, yeah, it's been, it's been fantastic. You know, I I'm pretty spoiled because I get to learn from these successful entrepreneurs that are same level or above me in business. So I get to learn, you know, for free with that. But I also get the opportunity to make money from the show. Now, when I say that we're not making thousands and thousands of dollars per episode or anything like that and we do charge and I know this is a, you know, can be a tough subject for some people in the podcasting world I've had people say, oh, you shouldn't charge, it's a terrible thing. Well, I'm like well, listen, we built this show, we built this brand. We're out where we're at from our hard work, right, and so if you're reaching out to me and you're paying a PR company to reach out to me, what's in it for the host? Because most like, those guests are going to come on share value, which is great, that's awesome. But then they're going to pitch them and themselves and things of that nature, which I'm fine with as well. I always give them an opportunity. Yeah, so it's like so if we're going to use that, you're paying pr people already to expand your brand and name. So we charge a small, small amount. It's under a hundred dollars. You know, I'm fully transparent, we don't even go crazy. But we also have a lot of people reach out to us and this is the reason we started it Ultimately, it wasn't to make money from it.

Chris Anderson:

We had so many we're getting so many emails for people to be on the show that we just couldn't take everyone on. Yeah, and so we wanted to narrow down that list of those who are truly serious and see the value of being on and truly want to add value. Yeah, and so we just charged, you know, a super small nominal fee just to I hate saying this, but quote weed out that it's and it was. It was a huge list. Like every day we were getting, you know, I want to say hundreds, but we were getting like 20 emails a day, just hey, we'd love this person on the show. I was like this is awesome, super grateful. Yeah, I mean, we're scheduled out into August and September this year already.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, like still, and we try to pause and take a little break so we don't have people waiting a year, right, because I've been asked to be on a show and waiting a year because I've I've been asked to be on a show and then they said, oh yeah, and it's going to cost $5,000. And they reached out to me and I was like, well, and that's cool that it reached out, cause this, this shows, they're reaching a million followers a month. I'm like, okay, understand, that's fair, that's fair. And then you reached out to me. That's that's humbling, that I, I was thought of. I was like I don't know if I have 5 000, I mean sure would it be great. I don't know if it'd have the roi I want. So I'm like, eh, maybe not right now.

Chris Anderson:

Um, if my personal brand was bigger, maybe, but so like people are doing it and so, if so, that's one way we've, you know, monetized the show. You could say, but I'm not like I don't want to have a bunch of ads. We've tested a little bit. I just it's whatever Obviously you can do, try affiliate links. But the biggest thing, you know, reward from it is the connections. You know the people I've been able to connect with.

Chris Anderson:

That has turned into either directly business or, you know, referrals to other people for business and that's just kind of we've used it as a door opener. You bring great value. You're spectacular talking about this topic, would love to highlight you on the show and you know, let the guests, or let my audience, hear more about you and find out about you if they don't know already. And of course, you know we would love the value. If I'm reaching out to someone to be on the show, I don't charge them because I'm extending that invitation and I'm not going to charge them for that.

Chris Anderson:

And so, yeah, it's really just opened the doors to business. I mean, we've had clients come from the podcast directly. Once they found out what we did, same day we had them on the show. They're like yeah, let's do this. And, like I said then, it just opens the door for connections through that. And that's why I love it and that's why I think a lot of smaller businesses and brands are utilizing or should, if they're not, because it is such an easy door opener, because you're putting the guests on a pedestal and just highlighting them for the most part and you're just kind of getting value for your audience, which is also great to be able to put out there. But then you've had that warm connection.

Dr. William Attaway:

So Love that strategy. I think that makes so much sense and I appreciate the, the authenticity and the generosity and sharing that yeah, absolutely.

Chris Anderson:

You know, I try to be as transparent as I can, uh, because I just want people to win, I want people to understand what goes into things and what kind of happens behind the scenes. Some and you know, that's why I talk about profit margins, uh, you know, and things like that like, and just try to be open about it because and especially the hard times, because a lot of people we don't see that on social media but like, that's right, it's, it's, it's simple, but it's hard.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, that's right it's not, it's not gonna be a walk in the park really, and those who show it is that. You know, I, I kind of take a second look, yeah, because if, if it was, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it and everyone would be. You know, jeff Bezos and you know sitting pretty on a on a huge ultra yacht thing. But yeah, I just try to do my best to be transparent and open to it and I think it's it's what's helped me. Also, you know, make good connections. Because of that.

Chris Anderson:

I mean, we're just we got to ask to come help Apple at the NBA all-stars just this last weekend, do video production with some proprietary equipment which I can't talk any more about, but it was really cool to be a part of that and be in that environment.

Chris Anderson:

And, you know, literally rubbed shoulder with Sha, uh and Metta and Jermaine O'Neal I'm from Indiana, so, uh, rick Smith and stuff like that like, literally, like, literally rubbed shoulder with Shaq, like walking right next to him and saw the commissioner and it was, it was a great and learned on top of that because of the production, like the live production, that these things happen at like are way past what we do and they're completely different as well, and so just being able to learn in different industries, like what they do and how that setup is, was insane and such a cool experience that we got to be a part of and and that it was here in our, in our hometown was was really awesome too. But it just comes from building those relationships and being open and transparent and just saying like we're just here to learn and help and that's the best we can do.

Dr. William Attaway:

I want to focus on you for just a minute. You are leading at a different level today than you were five years ago.

Chris Anderson:


Dr. William Attaway:

And five years from now, you're going to have to lead at a different level. Still, your team is going to need you to up your game. So how do you stay on top of your game? How do you level up with the new leadership skills that you're going to need, one, three, five years from now.

Chris Anderson:

You know, that's the thing I try to tell people to always be a learner. You know, we're never at our best spot. We can always improve, yes, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, whatever it is. So I'm constantly reading different topics within business, personal development, going to conferences we just actually went to a conference last, uh, last week as well, uh, in between the NBA, nba stuff. So it's a long week, but it's a leadership conference. Got to hear from um Stephen Covey jr, uh, um, speaking on stage. Uh, sage steel Uh, she was up there talking. Dan Orlowski, um ESPN analysts, and it was just fantastic, just learning and hearing from them.

Chris Anderson:

So I always try to, you know, get connected. Uh, plus, in those networking, networking events, like you get to meet other people, and so I'm always trying to read, trying to learn, trying to see what's coming in the market you know, with ai especially, and yeah, so I'm constantly just trying to feed myself there and then having mentors like, hey, you know, this happened, how would you handle that situation? What could I have done differently or better? And learning, learning from those as well and, at the end of the day, just trying to keep my heart right and try to continue to be a good person, best person. I can and and make decisions based on you know how would I want to be treated Kind of like, own a role that we can, I think, kind of make things in the moment a little bit simpler. So yeah, I just always try to dig into what other people are doing successfully, how to, how to do it better, and just trying to pour that into my, into my brain and soul.

Dr. William Attaway:

So you read a lot. Is there a book that you would recommend to every leader listening that if they've never read it, they've got to put this on their to read list?

Chris Anderson:

that's a good one. So crazy thing is I have a bookshelf in my house and there's over 800 books on it. Yeah, um, like you behind you, you know rivals I'm sure you have more than that, but that's, that's a great question. You know, honestly, um, how to win friends and influence people is a great one. It's a classic go-to um. I really do like think and grow rich too.

Chris Anderson:

Um, kind of hit on things. Those two would be ones like, if you haven't read those, I would do it. I've started reading um, and now, of course, it spaces um the laws of of power, 48 laws of power. I think it is by um, let me get it right. So I tell you right, yeah, the 48 laws of power, and that is by rob green.

Chris Anderson:

I just started reading that one. It's a really interesting one. Um, it's got a lot of interesting um tidbits of like how to succeed with different, like working along different personalities, especially if, like, you're not the top leader. Like how to kind of work with them and keep your position and and and grow successfully working with people who are super egotistical or whatever, like I. Like I said, I just got into it and it's been really interesting so far, but, uh, how to win friends and influence people, think and grow rich is a really good one. Um, and I always try to read something fun too. I can kind of maybe pull stuff from. So right now I'm reading some louis lamar books, some westerns. Yeah, uh, I'm on the sackett series. It's a series of a family called the sacketts and I'm on book six daybreakers. Um, so I try to read that and kind of glean. I try to glean whatever I can with anything I'm watching or reading for leadership or business and how people interact in the books and stuff. So that one I'm reading for fun right now too.

Dr. William Attaway:

So so, uh, you know I would be remiss, given the specialization that you have, not to ask this question.

Chris Anderson:

Is there a podcast that you would recommend, because I imagine you consume podcasts yeah, the elevate media podcast was chris anderson I've heard that's in the top one and a half percent um, but no, in all seriousness, lewis howe's school of greatness, uh, he's done over like a thousand twelve hundred episodes or something like that. Um, that's, he's the reason I got into podcasting, wow, the reason I got into even thinking about starting a business. Um, he's on my you know bucket list, uh, my guest bucket list, to be on his show, to have him on my show. So, lewis, uh, if you're listening to this, uh, let's connect. Um, the school of greatness is awesome it because it kind of kind of spans the same kind of thing personal development, some business development. Uh, it's just really positive, uplifting shows. I really really recommend that one. Obviously you got like ed mylett show is another good one.

Chris Anderson:

Jaco jaco willink's podcast, if you're really for some hardcore leadership, uh is good, I'm trying to think of one outside of leadership NPR's how I Built this would be a good one. I've listened to a handful of those. I want to listen to a lot more because it's cool to hear the stories again of just triumphant adversity through successful entrepreneurs. Those are just a handful infant adversity through successful entrepreneurs, so those are just a handful.

Dr. William Attaway:

So good, Chris, if you could go back and have a conversation with the 20 year old version of you knowing what you know now, and you could tell yourself one thing, what would you?

Chris Anderson:

love to go back and tell yourself yeah, that's a really good question. You know that that time for me was was a an interesting time, um, emotionally and mentally and things of that nature. So went through a lot in college. It's a dark time, so I don't know if you know, I'd go back and probably just reiterate what I learned or was learning at the time. You know you are, you're worthy, you're good enough with who you are and don't tie yourself or, or, you know, connect yourself specifically to some title, whatever that might be, the world puts on us, or whether it be a job or you're in a sport or whatever. You're more than a title and you're worth it. So just keep moving forward, keep improving and yeah, that's probably what I would just reiterate. That's what I was learning a lot in college at that time. So, yeah, just hitting that home and letting everything else play out.

Dr. William Attaway:

You know, I talk to a lot of people and there are people who are not just in their twenties who need to hear that, yeah, there are people in their forties, their fifties, their sixties, really every decade who haven't yet grabbed onto that.

Chris Anderson:

Yeah, Cause your story matters. And that's the crazy thing, Like, we're all here for a purpose and your story truly does matter there's as long as you're living into your purpose and not playing small. There are people out there waiting for you, that's right they're. They don't know it, but your story and what you've been through and what you've done is going to change your life. Uh, and if we can change one person's life and that was it, you know, for the positive, that's, that's worth it. And so everyone's story matters. You're worth it out there. And yeah, don't play small. You know we don't live forever.

Chris Anderson:

And you know, I'd rather, like I said, the graveyard is the richest place on earth because there's so many, so many dreams of when died there. So don't take it. Don't take it there. You know, place play big, take some, some risks bet on yourself and and just keep improving.

Dr. William Attaway:

Chris, this has been so fascinating and so helpful for me and, I know, with so many of our listeners. I know people are going to want to stay connected to you and continue to learn from you. What is the best way for them to do that?

Chris Anderson:

Sure, I mean, if you're looking to listen in, obviously the Elevate Media podcast, anywhere you get your your podcast from is great, or if you just you have a question or you need to contact someone to reach out. You know I'm open. My Instagram is at christ text. I'm going to reach out. You know I'm I'm open. Um, my Instagram is at christ the letter tanderson. And, uh, shoot me a message. I still take those personally. Uh, responding to those personally, it's not AI, it's not chat bot type stuff. So I'm here to help. I can, uh, and I'll, I'll give it to you straight and, and you know I care about you, I care about everybody and I'm here to help. So, shoot me a message, connect with me there, and yeah, Chris, thank you again for the generosity you've shown today.

Dr. William Attaway:

This has been just absolutely so fascinating, so helpful, so practical, and I'm grateful.

Chris Anderson:

Thank you for having me. I hope at least one can can take value and move value and elevate their lives through this.

Dr. William Attaway:

Thanks for joining me for this episode today. As we wrap up, I'd love for you to do two things. First, subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss an episode, and if you find value here, I'd love it if you would rate it and review it. That really does make a difference in helping other people to discover this podcast. Second, if you don't have a copy of my newest book, catalytic Leadership, I'd love to put a copy in your hands. If you go to catalyticleadershipbookcom, you can get a copy for free. Just pay the shipping so I can get it to you and we'll get one right out.

Dr. William Attaway:

My goal is to put this into the hands of as many leaders as possible. This book captures principles that I've learned in 20 plus years of coaching leaders in the entrepreneurial space, in business, government, nonprofits, education and the local church. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn to keep up with what I'm currently learning and thinking about. And if you're ready to take a next step with a coach to help you intentionally grow and thrive as a leader, I'd be honored to help you. Just go to catalyticleadershipnet to book a call with me. Stay tuned for our next episode next week. Until then, as always, leaders choose to be catalytic.

Intro / Outro:

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